CASTELLO Luigi Mario

Research Activity

UPO book

Brief Research Description

Electrolytes and water unbalances: our studies aim to develop novel methods to evaluate water and sodium homeostasis and to provide accurate estimate of water or sodium deficit or excess, in order to guide the physician during the correction.

Heart failure: early identifications of prognostic markers useful for risk stratification of patients with acute decompensated hearth failure. We also aim at studying pathophysiologic derangements involved in the progression of the disease and their implications in the choice of the most appropriate treatment.

Sepsis: our research on sepsis is based on a translational approach; our group has many collaborations and is involved in different study and research projects about early diagnosis of sepsis, patients monitoring and risk stratification, pathophysiology of sepsis, early identification of sepsis related organ dysfunction and biomarkers.


hyponatremia, hypernatremia, sepsis, heart failure, biomarkers
