Research Activity

UPO book

Brief Research Description

1. Identification of cells and mechanisms involved in the immune response to factor VIII.

One of the major challenges in the choice of the therapy for the treatment of hemophilia A patients is the definition of criteria predicting the formation of FVIII neutralizing antibodies. Since there is a connection between coagulation and inflammation we will analyze immune responses upon different immune challenges in hemophilic mice. Moreover, we aim to establish in vivo tolerance to FVIII by targeting specific cells via a gene cell therapy approach.

2. Investigation of the role of FVIII deficiency in the bone homeostasis.

One of the main comorbidities affecting hemophilic patients is bone pathology. In this project we will explore how FVIII absence alters in vivo bone homeostasis and in vitro differentiation and activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts.


Hemophilia A, Factor VIII immunogenicity, Bone homeostasis, Cell therapy, Adaptive immune system
